
Fungal Infection (Types & Prevention)

Jan 31, 2023

Fungal Infection (Types & Prevention) - Nuutjob

What is Fungal Infection

Fungal infection is also known as mycosis. It can affect the skin, hair, nails, and internal organs. Fungi are organisms found in the environment that include yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. Depending on the fungus and the location of the infection, Fungal Infections can be superficial or systemic. Superficial Fungal Infections that affect the skin, hair, and nails are mild and treatable. on the other hand, Systemic Fungal Infections can affect internal organs such as the lungs, liver, and brain, and can be fatal in some cases.

Fungal Infection types

There are various types of Fungal Infection but the most common types are as follows:

Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot is also known as Tinea pedis. It's a fungus that can affect the skin on your feet as well as your hands and nails. The infection is caused by Dermatophytes, a type of fungus that thrives in the warm and humid areas between your toes. It is particularly common among athletes and can spread from one person to the next. It can also spread through contaminated surfaces such as public showers or locker room floors.

Yeast infection

Candida albicans is a Fungal Infection that can affect your skin, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, or genitals. Small amounts of Candida albicans on the skin and in the body are normal. These fungi, however, can cause a yeast infection if they multiply excessively.

Ringworm infection

Ringworm is caused by a fungus that feeds on the cells of the skin, hair, and nails (dermatophytes). They can infect your feet (tinea pedis/foot), your athlete's groin and inner thighs (tinea cruris/jock itch), your scalp (tinea capitis), your hands (tinea manuum), your facial hair and surrounding skin (tinea barbae), and other parts of your body (tinea corporis).

Jock itch

Jock itch is also known as Tinea cruris. The skin on your groyne, inner thighs, and buttocks is infected with a fungal infection. Dermatophytes, a type of fungus that thrives in warm, humid environments, are also to blame. This infection is most common in men and boys, but it can also affect women and girls.

How to Prevent Fungal Infection

Good hygiene & habit is also essential for avoiding Fungal Infections.

  • Take a shower after getting dirty or sweaty. Don't get your skin wet.
  • Do not enter public restrooms, showers, or locker rooms barefoot.
  • Wear eco-friendly underwear that has been washed and dried.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Contact lenses should be cleaned and worn as directed by your eye doctor.
  • Maintain clean, short nails.
  • Antibiotics should only be used as directed. If you take antibiotics for an extended period of time, yeast in your body can overgrow and cause an infection.
  • Don't let other people use your sporting equipment, towels, or other personal items.
  • When working with soil, put on gloves, boots, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts. If you live in an area where harmful fungus is common, wear a N95 mask to avoid inhaling it.

When to See the Doctor

If you have symptoms of a Fungal Infection, particularly in your lungs or other internal organs, consult your doctor. Follow up with them if you've been treating a fungal infection and it's not improving.

Fungal Infections can occur in any part of the body and affect anyone. A few examples include a jock with athlete's foot, a baby with thrush, and a woman with a vaginal yeast infection.

Fungi are microorganisms that are distinguished by the presence of chitin in their cell walls. Some fungi, such as mushrooms, are edible. Other fungi, like Aspergillus, are extremely dangerous and can cause life-threatening diseases.

Fungal Infections can be caused by fungi of various types. Fungi that aren't normally found on or inside your body can colonise and cause an infection in some cases. Fungi that are naturally present on or inside your body can also multiply uncontrollably and cause an infection in some cases.

Fungi are contagious. They are contagious. Fungi that cause disease can be caught from infected animals or contaminated soil or surfaces in some cases.